Buenos Aires, named one of the best cities to visit during Christmas time

Nov 07 2024

Buenos Aires, named one of the best cities to visit during Christmas time

During the Christmas season, many travelers decide on which cities to visit during this jolly time as each and every place reflects their holiday traditions and vibrance throughout the country soaking up the ambiance.


Well-known tourism magazine, Travel & Leisure has carefully compiled a list of “The best places to go for Christmas”, and among the 20 top destinations, Buenos Aires has found itself as a must-visit.


In contrast with most cities named on the listing, Buenos Aires provides a different scenery for the holidays as Christmas is spent during summertime in the Southern Hemisphere. As opposed to mountains painted with snow and sweater weather with hot chocolate, sunny days, fully blossomed trees, and cooling breezes create a vivid setting for tourists and locals alike.


Travel & Leisure states that the sunny weather is perfect for taking a stroll around the city’s beautiful parks and different neighborhoods, especially in the Intendente Alvear Park and the Galerias Pacifico shopping, a building dating back to the 19th century, where the surroundings are filled with ornaments, lights and Christmas spirit. Stopping at nearby cafes and enjoying local delicacies is also a great way to enjoy the holidays along with the hot weather while discovering the beauty and magic of the enchanting city.


Moreover, the list highlights the Christmas traditions made by locals, such as making asado feasts (barbeques), having firework shows as soon as the clock hits twelve on the 25th of December, and eating pan dulce (sweet bread similar to panettone) which visitors can try at local markets and shops. 


In essence, Buenos Aires stands out as an unusual Christmas destination, nevertheless, it provides its own unique surroundings where a festive ambiance is laid out. Taking in the sights and sounds of Buenos Aires during the most wonderful time of the year will surely bewitch you and invite you to come back.

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